Friday, March 9, 2012

Fashion Friday

Happy Fashion Friday! Well some say the best things in life aren't usually planned. I think I’ll have to agree with that especially today. I had zero pictures to start with for the weekly fashion dose. Fortunately I have a wonderful network of people which makes “blogging” so much easier. I think today was a perfect example of what this blogs stands for. Every day people sharing all things styling, all things pretty, all things cool, all things breathtaking and all things simple!  Where would Fashion Friday be without all the people who have contributed….yes even the daily visitors. I see you and I’m grateful.  Fashion is not only about clothes but the models too, so today’s Tquoiz features sizzling model Nsovo Mashaba (only 20). This one is for the ladies!
 Special shout out to Rato, Pam, Nsovo, Anto, Ntsiky and Bukiwe thanks for the pictures guys! If you also want to feature or have interesting pictures please email tquoiz(at)
Thank you for popping by

Fashion Friday with: styling Pam

Fashion Friday with: Model Nsovo Mashaba we’ll be seeing more of him on tquoiz
Fashion Friday: turquoise accessories by Rato

Fashion Friday: Ntiky’s shoe collection
Fashion Friday: Ntiky’s bag collection
Fashion Friday with: Model Nsovo Mashaba
Fashion Friday: shoes by Bukiwe


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pam looks amazing, I love the color combination of her outfit, simply lovely, takes me to a happy clean place
    Nsovo looks amazing with his shirts on and off, he wears that suits the way its supposed to be worn.
    Rato knows how incredible turquoise sits on black :)
    Ntiky has an eye for all things pretty, all things nice, her shoes her bags, me likey like.
    Bukiwe's shoes, oh hoe I love prints on pumps.

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